Our chapter is embracing APTA’s strategic plan objective to embody the APTA mission and vision through an integrated brand strategy!
By unifying our association branding, we will create clarity for our members and potential members. It will be easier to recognize APTA’s collective offerings and value. The unified brand will help us provide a more consistent member experience, strengthening our community in the spirit of APTA’s mission.
Rebranding is about much more than a new look or logo. Our brand will encourage us to act for impact, better leveraging our state-level expertise on behalf of members and potential members. The profession is evolving and so are we. Our new brand represents an investment in the future to maximize our impact. We’re sending a message that symbolizes our unity and ability to work together for the benefit of the profession and the public it serves. By creating a more unified brand, we strengthen our voice and our ability to represent and advocate for our members, the physical therapy profession, and the people we serve.
What to look for in the future:
APTA national is launching a new brand in the summer of 2020 with the launch of a new APTA.org. Look for our chapter’s new name, logo, and visual look now here on our website and on social media.
Other chapters and sections also can adopt the new brand and may reveal their new look before or after APTA does so. APTA hopes to align as many components as possible before the end of the association’s centennial year of 2021, but participation in the unified brand is voluntary.